Friday, September 14, 2018

Welcome to my house blog hop!


It is my day for the Welcome to my house blog hop!  Wow, there have been tons of great ideas, wonky houses, appliqued houses, stylized houses, and old fashioned houses.  Please check out all the links at the bottom of this page to see what all the other bloggers have to say about their houses!  And read all the way to the end for a chance to win a prize.

For me, there are a few people who I always gravitate to for patterns.  One of them is Bonnie Hunter whose pattern you can see in a previous post.  Another is Edyta Sitar of Laundry Basket Quilts, which is the designer of the quilt I made for this blog hop.

I chose a quilt called Blue Barns from her "Patches of Blue" book.  They look like houses to me and I love the simple modern look of the one color.  However, I made it a much smaller wall hanging and I did it out of a line called "indigo" but I am not sure of the manufacturer or the designer, but I just knew I loved it.  If you are interested, drop me a note and I will go back to Quilt Cove in Eagan and ask Sue.  I also used white Pearl Bracelets for my background and I ran out midway, I guess because I wanted to add more trees, so I had to go on a search and could only find one more yard in an Etsy shop.  Just enough to make it.

I really love how this quilt turned out.  I varied the number of trees between the houses and made some of the trees out of strips of all the fabrics.  

I also personalized it just a bit, I put two dogs, Lucy and LuLu, in the windows of one house and a cat, Teyla, in the window of one of the other houses.  I think the quilt looks elegant but it was actually fairly easy to make.

Now, I have to think about how to quilt it.  I may just do a swirly in the white areas because it is a wall hanging so it doesn't need to have a lot of "holding it together" and because I don't want to have to change thread every few inches.  But, I certainly am open to suggestions on how to quilt it...  Should I just outline the houses, windows and trees in the white areas? Would that be enough or do I need to also do something else.?  I always struggle with quilting.

Please visit the rest of the blogs listed below to see all the other great projects, and if you leave me a comment, I will enter you into my personal drawing for a charm pack of beautiful Christmas blenders, just in time for a great project to give or to keep!  I would love💖 it if you also followed me, I honestly love to blog and I love to hear what everyone thinks.  Thanks for visiting.

September 10
September 11
September 12
September 13
September 14
Thanks for visiting.  Always, Kay


  1. Great great pattern and I love the way you got creative with it to make it suit you. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Ohhhh, today was great....very inventive pieces. I love your quilt and the little critters in the windows!!!!

    1. Thanks Marjorie. We always save some good ones for the last day!

  3. Fabulous quilt! I love the two-tones you used and the way you put some variety into that simple color scheme.

  4. Beautiful winter wonderland with the white background. The swirly quilting would remind me of a snowstorm with the animals peeking out watching the snow fly.

    1. That's what I was thinking about the quilting too. Thanks.

  5. All that blue is stunning to look at. Love this neighborhood. I think that the variety of trees is what gives it a homey feeling.

    1. Thanks. Can't say blue is my favorite color but I do love it.

  6. This is a beautiful quilt in those fabrics and adding the sweet animals peeking out the windows is so cute. I always struggle with what to quilt, so I'm no help, but whatever you do will make this quilt even more amazing! Thank you for sharing and hopping with us, Kay!

    1. Thanks Carol. This is for my daughter and those are her animals.

  7. What a beautiful quilt, Kay. Did you take her Spools class when she came to Eagan? I did, but didn't get one block done in class (apparently I'm a slow quilter). I have no suggestions on quilting, since I'm still new to that. Whatever you do, I'm sure it will be beautiful.

    1. I did not get into the Spools class but I did see Edyta at the Chaska show and took her flower basket class. She was fabulous. And you could not leave the class until you had shown her that you could make the bias handles on the baskets!

  8. I think your quilt top is just beautiful hanging on your couch! I love blue and white. Also, 2 dogs and a cat make it so unique! Regarding quilting, I am just a walking-foot quilter so I'm not sure what to say if you can do FMQ. I am following you now.

    1. I thought it was a cute touch without taking over the simplicity of the pattern. Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Perfect addition to put the pets in the windows and blue is my favorite color. rozz01(at)cox(dot)net

  10. I've had a quilt in the back of my mind similar to this one! I love trees and cabins (houses) together in a quilt. I Love the little window dressings!

  11. I've never made a quilt with just 2 colours - perhaps I should give it a try

  12. I just love how that quilt turned out! Kathy H

  13. I'm loving the blue & white fabrics you used for your quilt, Kay!
    Wonderful two colour house quilt! <3

  14. This really reminds me on what drew me into quilting. Those blue barn are something I've long loved and have never done. I do believe you have inspired me to get it in gear and just do it. Fabulous quilt and I do love your personal touches!

    1. Not a difficult quilt. It goes together pretty quickly. You will enjoy it.

  15. Just lovely! Although I love gorgeous fancy quilting, I think a quilt that is more about the piecing doesn't always need it. Wavy lines in a variegated silver-grey thread looks good on so many things. Maybe it's the lazy way out, but I do love the look. Swirls would be beautiful too, and I think they could be done as an all-over pattern.

  16. Great quilt, especially with the pets peeking out!

  17. I love that you gave the quilt your own personality. Great idea.

  18. I love your quilt, especially the rationalization. No clue on how to quilt it.

  19. Love the blue houses & blue trees! I love the contrast of the Indigo & white. My two cents on quilting: Do stitch in the ditch, then I’d keep it simple, perhaps with parallel diagonal lines. Have fun!

    1. Would you put the lines in the houses or just on the white (after the sitd)?

  20. A blue and white quilt is always beautiful. I love the variety. Quilt it anyway that remains fun. Fun to have met you today. I think I will try BH’s wonky houses.

  21. Wonderful quilt - I, too, think Edyta and Bonnie have fabulous designs. So glad you were able to find that fabric.

    1. Thanks. I loved the fabric and knew I had to use it all together with just white.

  22. Great quilt. I love the varied trees and of course the adorable pets in the windows.

  23. Selecting a quilting pattern is just the toughest part for me! I'm afraid I'm no help with that issue! I do adore the sweet animal faces you placed in the adds such a charmed look!

  24. Your quilt is stunning! I love the dark blue against the white background. If I had the talent to quilt well, I think I would sew swirls in the white background, like the wind is blowing really hard, and just do an outline stitch around the houses. The pets in the windows are perfect!

    1. That's what I was thinking too. Not an overall pattern, just swirls in the white and sitd.

  25. What a fun quilt!
    Love the houses and
    the furbabies in the
    Carla from Utah

  26. Blue and white is such a beautiful combination! And I like that you've added the dogs and cat to the windows- a home with a pet is always best.

  27. Very beautiful!!!! Blue and White is always a winner together and the quilt pattern is prfect for this blog hop, thanks for sharing!

  28. You chose beautiful fabrics for this, I am so glad you were able to find enough yardage to complete it. Love the personalisation as well as the project as a whole. Perfect! :)

  29. I just love Edyta's patterns - so inspiring. And I love your extra trees!

    1. Yes, I have most of her books and several of her individual patterns... Just too many to do and too little time.

  30. I would like to try out the Go Cutter to make those houses! So many quilts. lol.

  31. Thanks for sharing your lovely project with us.

  32. I love everything Edyta Sitar does. Her work and fabric lines are fabulous. You did a great job with the pattern.

  33. That's a great village, and I like the trees a lot. That's a book on my wish list, but I bought a lot of Blue Sky fabrics!


Hi, it's Kay, I really want to read and respond to your message... I will do my best to get to it as soon as I can.

Peek-A-Who Blog Hop & Give Away

Welcome to the Peek-A-Who blog hop, hosted by Marian at Seams To Be Sew ! And we have great giveaways! See the rafflecopter at the end o...